Covenant Hearts Ministries Refund Policy
Our Ministry
Covenant Hearts Ministries' (CHM) goal is to help make your marriage better. In pursuit of that goal we organize ministry events to benefit married couples. These events take place at hotels and various event venues which require that we enter into contracts guaranteeing a certain level of participants which translates to guaranteed revenue volume. Generally there is a count down starting 90 days from the event date that requires that we confirm the amount of participants which equates to the guaranteed revenue volume. If we do not meet those revenue guarantees CHM is open to certain monetary penalties.
It is important to know our refund policy is tied to the financial obligations that CHM takes on in order to put on the ministry events. If CHM fails to perform according to the contract them we are exposed to liquidated damages because the contracting party has reserved their space and services for our ministry event. Remember the hotel, vendors and service providers are forgoing the rental and performance income from other functions and dedicating the facility and their services to our event. This is their livelihood.
We understand that there are times when we encounter unforeseen change of circumstances in our lives. We plan but then events occur that are out of our control. We will consider extra-ordinary or Act of God circumstances when applying our refund policy. A change in work schedule would not rise to the level of extra-ordinary circumstances.
In the past, couples that have experienced severe circumstances that prevented them from attending the Valentine's Gala have gladly blessed another married couple that wanted but could not attend. Some have sold it to the couple or some have just given it to them free and clear. I pray that this spirit of benevolence is alive and well in the couples that are coming to support CHM's goal of making their marriage better.
Refund Request Timeline:
90 Days Before The Event - If you pay the full price, we can refund 1/2 or 50% of the funds that we collected from you.
60 Days Before The Event - If you pay the full price, we can refund 1/4 or 25% of the funds that we collected from you.
30 Days Before The Event - If you pay the full price, we can not refund any of funds that we have collected from you.
Steps for requesting a refund:
1. Report your circumstance change as soon as possible for consideration
2. We will consider the request at our next meeting
3. We will notify you within 24 hours of our meeting
4. If yes, funds may not be refunded until after the event is held.
Partial payments will be handled in the same manner.
We thank you in advance for your graceful understanding in this matter.
Covenant Hearts Ministry
It is important to know our refund policy is tied to the financial obligations that CHM takes on in order to put on the ministry events. If CHM fails to perform according to the contract them we are exposed to liquidated damages because the contracting party has reserved their space and services for our ministry event. Remember the hotel, vendors and service providers are forgoing the rental and performance income from other functions and dedicating the facility and their services to our event. This is their livelihood.
We understand that there are times when we encounter unforeseen change of circumstances in our lives. We plan but then events occur that are out of our control. We will consider extra-ordinary or Act of God circumstances when applying our refund policy. A change in work schedule would not rise to the level of extra-ordinary circumstances.
In the past, couples that have experienced severe circumstances that prevented them from attending the Valentine's Gala have gladly blessed another married couple that wanted but could not attend. Some have sold it to the couple or some have just given it to them free and clear. I pray that this spirit of benevolence is alive and well in the couples that are coming to support CHM's goal of making their marriage better.
Refund Request Timeline:
90 Days Before The Event - If you pay the full price, we can refund 1/2 or 50% of the funds that we collected from you.
60 Days Before The Event - If you pay the full price, we can refund 1/4 or 25% of the funds that we collected from you.
30 Days Before The Event - If you pay the full price, we can not refund any of funds that we have collected from you.
Steps for requesting a refund:
1. Report your circumstance change as soon as possible for consideration
2. We will consider the request at our next meeting
3. We will notify you within 24 hours of our meeting
4. If yes, funds may not be refunded until after the event is held.
Partial payments will be handled in the same manner.
We thank you in advance for your graceful understanding in this matter.
Covenant Hearts Ministry